Our Pastor

Bishop Darnell Larry Easton

Bishop Darnell Larry Easton

God’s predestinated purpose for Bishop Darnell Larry Easton began on October 28, 1951, in Baltimore, Maryland, upon his birth. He was often showered with much affection, being the youngest of nine children born to the late Deacon Joseph and Mother Viola Easton. He grew up in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, where his humble beginnings were on a farm, where he diligently labored. He attended the public schools of Anne Arundel County, graduating from Southern Senior High School. He went on to complete advanced studies at Bowie State College and obtained home study courses through The Washington Bible College.

Bishop Darnell was trained by his parents in the way a child should go. At the early age of ten, he was a baptized believer and was filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost at 13. He loved church and carried zeal and devotion toward ministries in the church. As years passed, God continued to order the steps of Bishop Darnell, preparing him for a greater charge. He faithfully served in many capacities, including but not limited to choir president and member, board member, groups, and committees, all under the pastoral leadership of the late Bishop Jacob A. Green. God equipped him to serve in whatever capacity that was called upon him.

As a young man, one of Bishop Darnell’s goals was to marry and have a family. In 1971, God blessed him to meet his lovely wife, First Lady Margo Easton. They were married on September 14, 1974. Bishop Darnell and First Lady Margo have an exquisite marriage relationship, one of love, trust, respect, and commitment to God and the marriage covenant. From their union, they were blessed with three beautiful children, a wonderful daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and five lovely grandchildren. Bishop Darnell cherishes his family and is grateful to God for the wonderful bond that they share.

It was in April 1975, when Bishop Darnell Easton was called into the ministry. He answered the call and later preached his trial sermon in June 1977. He was ordained a minister by the late Bishop Jacob A. Green. One of Bishop Green’s favorite scriptures concerning Bishop Darnell’s life was – 2 Timothy 3:15 – “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” Having served loyally, faithfully, and with integrity in his calling, in August 1996, God saw fit to elevate him to the ministry of an Elder. Shortly thereafter, in July 2000, he was consecrated to the office of First Assistant Pastor, blessed to serve under his brother, the late Bishop Allen H. Easton, until the Lord called Bishop Allen home. He executed his duties effectively and met the demands and challenging responsibilities of his church family. In January 2003, Bishop Darnell Easton was installed as Pastor of the Bethel Way of the Cross Church of Christ. He had to undertake the charge of God, to activate the vision of Reaping the Harvest, Church Building Expansion, Community Relations, and Outreach.

The changing of the guards occurred, fully sanctioned, and concurred by the late Bishop Jacob A. Green, the Official Board, and members of the Bethel Way of the Cross Church. But more importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ himself put His stamp of approval, His anointing and blessings upon this change. In August 2005, Bishop Darnell was appointed District Elder. He was elevated to the office of Bishop in August 2008. In 2015 Bishop Easton was appointed to serve on the Way of the Cross Executive Board of Bishop’s and was ordained as the Diocesan for the Middle Atlantic Churches of the Way of the Cross Church of Christ International.

Bishop Darnell has served and assisted in enhancing and developing many ministries at Bethel. In 1981 he and his wife started Bethel’s New Members Ministry and the ministry is still flourishing today as the Discipleship Ministry. He served as the Youth Department’s Advisor and Coordinator of the Prison Ministry in Jessup, MD. In addition to his responsibilities and duties of a Pastor, he has had a strong involvement within the community. His commitment to the Pastoral Care of the Chaplin at the Calvert Memorial Hospital is one of his many services to the community. In 2016 Bishop Easton started the Brother’s United Fellowship which takes place once a month for godly fellowship with men within the community.

Bishop Darnell was elevated and consecrated to Second Vice Presiding Bishop of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International during the Consecration of Executive Officers at The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International 77th Holy Convocation All Saints Service on Friday, July 30, 2021.

Bishop Darnell is an anointed, effective, and aspiring Man of God. He gives life to one of his favorite scriptures, which is close to his heart – St. Luke 4:18-19 – “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.