
Elder Jerome Brooks


Minister Jerome Brooks was born on June 24 1960, the second eldest son to the late Elder and Shirley Brooks. He received his education in Calvert County, Maryland. He pursued a career in construction at the Vocational and Technical Center while attending Northern High School.

On July 5 1980, Minister Brooks married the love of his life, Debbie Brooks and from this union they were blessed to grow their wonderful family with two daughters, one son-in-law and six grandchildren.

Minister Brooks received the Holy Ghost as a child and on January 12, 1975 was baptized at Bethel Way of the Cross Church. Thereafter, he received his minister's license on August 20, 1999 under the late Pastor Allen Easton and the late Pastor Emeritus Bishop Jacob Green. He currently serves under Bishop Darnell Easton. Throughout his tenure, he served as a Sunday School Teacher, Children’s Church Administrator, and was a member on the Usher Board, Deacon Board, and Brotherhood Choir. He is very passionate about the Word of God. He is a gifted, prophetic man of faith. God has used him to lay hands on the sick, speak life to others, and help grow their faith. He is very charismatic, always lighting a darkened room with laughter. He is one of a kind. "Bless the Name of the Lord" and "Glory be to God" are heard often as his signature statements. He is a humble gifted man, acknowledging all gifts come from God. His favorite biblical chapter is Romans 8.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39